office interior design magazine pdf

hi! my name is peter. i'm a designer and a paper artist. i'm often asked which kind of paper is suitable for thecreation of pop up cards. well, that depends on the effect that youwant to achieve. to explain what i mean, i created thismodel. for this flower pop up card i used three different materials.light paper for the petals, stronger paper for the green leaves and sturdy cardboard for the backing sheet. now i will show youhow you can create this pop up card.
at first, you should download thetemplate. i created a colored and a white template that you can download for free. you willfind the link in the video description right here on youtube below the video. before we start, i have to warn you. thecreation of this pop up card is very time-consuming. i estimate that will need a whole afternoon for the creation. that's why this tutorial is not suitablefor little children
or as a last minute gift. if you arelooking for easier and faster tutorials, please visit my facebook fan page.the link is also in the video description. my tutorial consists of three parts: this is part one. okay, let's start! at first we will create the petals ofthe flower. print the first pages of the template onlight paper with a weight between 70 g/mâ² 100 g/mâ². usual office paper will be okay. if you want to create a colored flower,you may want to use colored paper.
page 1 is only needed once, but youhave to print four copies of page 2. print one copy of page 3. crease all straight dashed lines with an empty ball pen. repeat this for all pages from 1 to 3. now it's time to cut out all pieces frompage 1 to page 3. in this step it is notnecessary to cut the perfect may cut outthe pieces very roughly. in the end you should have11 pieces:
one circle, that is marked with thenumber "1", four pieces marked with the numbers "2, 4, 6, 8", four pieces marked withthe numbers "3, 5, 7, 9" one piece marked with number "10" and one piece markedwith the letters "m" and "l" take a piece that is marked with numbers"2, 4, 6, 8". cut the black straight line. then fold the pieces along the dashed lines
alternating backward and forward. cut off the tip. cut out the two gray lines exactly. cut a waved line as you like it. you don'tneed to follow the black dotted line exactly. it's just an orientation. cut freely. the final piece should look like thepetal of a flower. repeat these steps for all the piecesthat are marked with the numbers "2, 4, 6, 8" and the pieces that are marked with thenumbers "3, 5, 7, 9". piece "1" is a little bit different.
we also start by cutting the black line but in this case we fold only along thegreen lines and fold them backward and this step, we ignore the red lines. as you can see the final piece has the same shape asthe other pieces that you have created before. cut off the tip. this time, we have only onegray area to cut out. now you may cut a freely waved line as you have done it before. open the piece again.
now we start to fold the pieces backward and forwardalong every green and red line. now we have much more folding lines andmore folds to do, so this piece is a little more complexthan the other pieces that you have created before. piece "10" can be created similar to piecenumber "1". the only difference is, that the slotspoint into opposite directions. to create the base for the flower, cut the black lines exactly. fold along the red dashed lines. now, once again,
cut a freely waved line as you like it.the final piece should look like the petals of a flower. now it's time for the assembling! take piece number "1" and one of thepieces that's marked with number "2". the lower slots of piece number "2" fit into the slots of piece number "1". it may be a bit tricky at first, but since we used soft paper instead ofstiff cardboard, the pieces shall finally fit together. when the parts "1" and "2" are assembled,
we continue with piece number "3".the procedure is always the same as before. the lower slots of piece "3" fit intothe upper slots of piece "2". after the assembling of piece "3" continue with pieces "4", "5", "6" and so on. repeat the steps until all 10 piecesfrom "1" to "10" are assembled. place the whole assembling on theunprinted site of the last part. it is called "the flower base".it is the part that is marked with the letters "l" and "m". put glue on one inner half
of the flower base. close the parts, turn it around and open it again. put glue onto the other inner half ofthe flower base. close it again. wait until the glue is dry. the petals of theflower are finished. now the hardest part is already done! you could glue this flower into a card. this would be an easy way to create aflower pop up card.
but i must admit, that i don't like thisversion very much. i think it's worth the effort tocontinue with my next video. in my next video i show you, how you cancreate the three-dimensional leaves. bye for now. i hope to see you soon!