office interior design midlands

office interior design midlands

the story i'm going to tell you now is much more than just decorating a house, it's really a story of a person who awakens hope and positive attitudes in other people, as well as having one of the most beautiful houses i've ever visited in south africa so if you like inspirations from houses full of stories and cool things to celebrate life, today this video is for you. so go with me to the end. come on?! i'm going to tell this story to you exactly the way it happened in the order that happened, so follow me to the end

well when i went to the south africa, some people deeply recommend me to visit ardmore that is one of the greatest ceramics, when i hit my eyes on these pieces i fell in love. look how beautiful is this work, are animals, people and plants printed here in these works of art. they are actually iconic pieces and are celebrated in that country, just to you have an idea, hermes, who is that french brand, made the hermes handkerchiefs.

several nice pieces, made by famous and chic brands, used prints based on the design of the ceramics ardmore, and i wanted to photograph the house of fã©e halsted, ardmore was created by fã©e halsted, these wonderful and smiling person fã©e is a ceramist and she had a south african partner, and i want to tell this story to you, but i will tell you at the end of this video, so you do not leave until the end. first of all i want to say that i arrived there without knowing much, and i wanted to photograph the house of fã©e halsted, but she was not there because she loves horses and she was riding, and then i said, "wow, but i would like to photograph her house anyway

and she authorized she said, "you can get into this house!" look at the size of the house, and she said, "you can come in and photograph what you want, wherever you want" it already shows the detachment of the person, because when you look at a house that size, you say, this woman is a millionaire and she did not even know me, this is all about synergy. you always ask me how i find this people, yeah? people like us, we recognize ourselves, i think that's the answer! so i started to shoot, and as i told you, i'll tell you in sequence.

so i started to shoot. here is the kitchen. it is really lovely firstly because there is this beautiful vase with flowers this vase is also made by ardmore, you see what a beautiful thing ?! and she has this workbench that you see she made of bricks here and then there's the wood on top, with that sink, she was watering the orchids, here you can see several pieces of ardmore observe carefully, so you can see the delicate and beautiful work of ardmore, that you will understand in the end as i told you. i like this stove because she does not use it anymore, so she decorates it,

you see that there's this monkey, is a lot of fun! these prizes here are all about horse riding that she and her daughters are always in the competitions and the daughters win these medals and awards you can see "ilala"baskets hanging on the wall which are typical of the zulu people. looking on the other side of the kitchen you can see a mezzanine, there is her office, and look at this decoration she made, how beautiful and at the same time natural the most interesting was that no one was there with me,

the house was exactly like i'm showing you, it is real life indeed, entering into the livingroom, once again i was blown away with this roof that was the first thing i was most impressed when i got into the house. but also the sofa made with ardmore prints and fabrics. and i was also in love with this stool and also with this other stool, for those who do not know i'm crazy with stools, right, so when i see something like that i'm really amazed.

can you see that she is riding is this blue picture? the ardmore staff giving goodbye. in fact, this picture was a gift from the people who worked with her, when ardmore was near "drakensberg" , mountain range where all started so when she left and went to this house, they gave this farewell picture as a gift, they painted! so it's very important you begin to understand the beautiful story i'm starting to tell you. have a look at this vase because he deserves it! it stays at this very beautiful round table and i was delighted with it , can you see stairs that take us up to the mezzanine?

you see that there are paintings of horses, because they really are horse riding professionals it's not just a hobby, i went upstairs. as she authorized me to be free, than...i went it was her daughter's bedroom look how beautiful that roof is, and for those who love horses, she loves horses since she was a child, because she has her horses here, but i loved this bedroom,

imagine sleeping here, i love mezzanines as you know, right, but this one here is fancy, chic, beautiful and big in fact i'm alone inside this house. she is not there, usually when i photograph for life by lufe, people are with me, and they explain things to me, in this house i was guessing everything and i'm trying to explain here for you, and now was time to enter her bedroom i said "oh my god, shall i enter this room? i wasn't sure, i will not go in, or i will go....well ... i entered!

here we can see her bathroom, look how beautiful. hi! it's me over there i'm so fascinated, really so in love with this house, because it is not simply a fancy house, it is a house that has a history, which shows a human relationship, which shows a relationship of respect, of partnership. look at the curtain, how beautiful, and the dog on the bed so cute! you can see art, small art collection at this fireplace, look how beautiful it! i entered the intimacy of the person, without her being there

i thought "my god, i want so much to meet her, because i had never done life by lufe, without people" so at the time i was leaving, look what happens, and now you're going to follow me in real time. let's go? "i think she arrived..." do i need to talk more about this person? living in a real house, comfortable and cozy, even been so big fã©e created ardmore with a zulu partner, she was a pottery worker there, and she became a partner

for her creativity. in the 1980's she died of aids, and that was when fã©e start worry about aids. suddenly several of her staff were sick, several staff members were in need of care, who said that was possible to get medicine in south africa at that time? fã©e began a project to recovery these people, finally fã©e helped a lot people, even to resurrecting some of them his is so serious, that she has a museum in her store where, some pieces tell precisely this story of resuscitating people who were considered, practically dead,

because this is a serious problem in africa as a whole and also in south africa! so the fã©e has such a nice social work that she was recognized worldwide for this, so for example mandela when he went to give a gift, in some official visit he took a vase from the ardmore, recognized for the beauty of this work, but also for her social work here she is talking about environmental preservation, both of animals and plants, of the planet as a whole, but also of the people, the recovery of people, as well as making such beautiful pieces of design, she is really touching people with her attitude,

and it's this story that i was crazy to tell you, thats why brands as famous as the french hermes, they chose her to make their prints, the pieces are audited on auctions, even on auctions in london, so this shows that when you do something that you want to do putting what we have the best, you end up touching people's heart, today i am here in brazil in my living room talking about her attitude today i'm telling you a little about ardmore and what fã©e halsted is doing and how it reaches so many people

it is so cool to be able to talk about it, after all that's what we talk about here on the channel, and still have the possibility to show this house and this wonderful person thank you so much for staying here until the end as i asked you thank you very much !

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