office interior design milton keynes

office interior design milton keynes

>>venn chesterton : my name is venn chesterton, i am the locityengagement manager. locity is an industry led programme fundedby transport for london and it’s all about helping and moving the industry towards lowemission commercial vehicles. if a company is not exploring ways in whichthey can get some of these alternatives into their fleets then they are going to fall behindtheir competitors. >>justin laney: i’m justin laney, i’m general managerof fleets for john lewis partnership. the john lewis partnership crs strategy reallyderives from our culture of wanting to do

the right thing, our customers expect thatand they hold us to account for that. that really means reducing our environmentalimpacts, where we can. our transport strategy is aimed at two keyareas. one of them is reducing our carbon emissionsand the second one is about improving air quality. for carbon reduction we have three priorities. the first priority is to reduce miles drivenwherever possible. the second element is improving mpg’s ofour trucks and the third area is the low carbon fuels.

so it is important that we have sustainablefuels, which are available in large enough quantities, and have a business case. so back in about 2010 we knew we needed alow carbon alternative fuel, so we looked in detail at about thirteen. we worked with the imperial college bio-fueldepartment to help select those fuels that were the most sustainable but also availablein sufficient quantities and had a long term business case attached to them. we have a three-stage process to achieve rollout, so we will start with a very small trial and that might be borrowing of a demonstrationvehicle from a manufacturer or buying one

or two vehicles. if that proves successful we will then moveonto what we call a beetha trial, so we might buy ten vehicles and if those are successfulwe will then roll out the following year. that will then become a standard specification. we looked at a whole selection of fuels, therewas only really one low carbon fuel that met the criteria of being sustainable and availablein sufficient quantity, and having a business case, and that was bio-methane. we have two dedicated gas trucks right now,with more on order. so of the main benefits of operating gas trucks,one of them is that gas is about typically

30-40% cheaper than diesel, so clearly thatreally helps the business case. it means that the pay-back for us is abouttwo and a half years and it means over the whole life of the vehicle the total cost isabout 24% lower. carbon reduction benefit is of about 99%. >>simone hindmarch-bye: my name is simone hindmarch-bye and i am oneof the founders of commercial group, which is an office services company, based acrossthe uk. back in 2006 we were invited by sky to seeal gore speak about his movie the inconvenient truth and we really decided to look at whatwe were doing sustainably and take it right

into the heart of our organisation. csr isn’t a separate department in our organisation,it really is part of our dna and it is part of every decision that we make. so in 2012 we ran a trial to really assesswhat would be the best fuel for us to use for shipping product around the uk. we trialled bio-methane, electric, gas, cngand without a doubt hydrogen was completely outstanding as the choice that would workfor us. we were funded by a government-funded projectand that was through innovate uk. if anybody was going to adopt hydrogen totheir organisation, i would probably start

off by saying maybe not go as gung-ho as wedid, but still go for it but at a stage at a time, look at the infrastructure that isthere and hopefully that infrastructure is going to have been built and there’s goingto be more filling stations out there, and finally to really look at the servicing ofthose vehicles, it needs to work efficiently as part of your everyday operation, you knowthat is an area we are still working on ourselves. there were three real key successes for us,one it helped us reach our target for reducing our carbon emissions, two it really enhancedrelationships that we had with our customers, our reputation with our customers and withnew customers and other companies, and three we’ve had some great relationships we’vedeveloped with locity and hydrogen london.

>>venn chesterton: companies and organisations are going to moveto low emission commercial vehicles, locity is there to help that move. businesses that have already moved towardslow emission vehicles are seeing the benefits of that. trialling and demonstrating now is reallyimportant. the first point of contact for locity is alwaysthe website at, become a champion, attend the working groups. please do get involved and join in with locity.

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