office interior design minneapolis

office interior design minneapolis

how many months are we thinkingthis will take to complete? thisis about a 4 month project. wehave a very short window of time to do this, so we're talkingabout getting in here in 90 days or less. that's 12 weeks. ourcontractor says construction will take 120 days. my clientneeds it done in 90 days - no

excuses. someone is not gonna behappy. (vo) i'm kalyn rothausand that's me and my first building project, and my firstpower lunch. for as long as ican remember i've wanted to be a designer. and, now here i amcreating functional and fabulous spaces. this is my client, markalfieri, founder and chairman of

brandstar, and that's carmen,his chief operating officer. they've asked me totake this building and turn it into a modern and efficientworkspace. it's going to be achallenge, but in the end the new space will be functional andof course, it will most definitely be fabulous. (music)(vo) brandstar is a branded entertainment company thatproduces programming for network television.

they've grownthrough the years from 8 employees at the start, to over145 today. but, like a lot ofcompanies, while they've grown from a business standpoint,their office space has not kept up with their growth. in ourcurrent environment, we're on 4 different floors which is createsilos within our organization, cause we're not together. (vo)it doesn't give the company a

sense of cohesion. but, there isa vision for a new space. but,the new space has its challenges. mark is moving 135employees of the company from a 20,000 square foot space to anew building he's purchased. but, the new building only has11,000 square feet. thechallenge mark's given to me is to put the same number of peopleinto a smaller work space and

make everyone comfortable andmore productive. the building iswhat really inspired my design concept. it's these 2intersecting rectangles that come together, and that'sexactly what's gonna happen in his company. all these differentdepartments and cultures are gonna come together and a newculture will emerge. one of thethings that i'm excited about is

the fact that we're all going tobe together in one space. and,we believe that that's going to allow us to have a collaborativework environment and a much more productive work environment. and, kalyn assures me, eventhough it might be a little tighter, that we're not gonnafeel on top of each other but yet we're gonna get theeffectiveness of being together. at this point, mark's approvedmy design for the new building. he's appointed me as theinterior designer and project

manager. i'm working with billbranning from bsa, our general contractor. along with markfurman, our site supervisor, and alberto ramudo from icon designgroup inc. alberto's ourarchitect and he's taken my schematic design and created theworking drawings to submit for permit. (vo) today i'm meetingwith both bill and alberto to

talk about the design andtimeline for the project. mark,the building owner, really wants to move this project along, so iwanna make sure we're all on the same page. we've designed acomplicated space and bill's gonna have to build it for us. so, i know we're gonna have towork together to meet these deadlines because mark wants tomove his employees into this space.

what we need to do isstart with the demolition. riteway will come in and performthe demolition and then right after they're done, we gotta getthe building dry. as you know,we're replacing the windows and we're adding new windows. we'refilling in the garage doors, and then right after they're done,we'll get the concrete subcontractor in here. for theday-to-day construction on the

building i'm going to be workingwith mark furman. he's got a lotof experience as all the technology going into thisspace. i'm the middleman betweenthe general contractor, you know, and all the stuff that'sput out out of the office, and the design team, and thedesigner and make sure everything kinda comes togetherproperly. before we can startany new construction, we need to clear everything out of the oldbuilding.

that includes walls,windows, doors, and all of the electrical. (musiciwe've hired riteway demolition, a companywith a lot of experience in this type of work. tony stern is thecompany owner and will oversee all of the demolition. gettingthis building ready for a new construction is not as easy asit might seem.

there's more toit than just taking a wrecking ball and knocking walls down. westarted by taking all the acoustical ceilings out,cleaning up the ceilings as we were going. we took all thestuds out, the conduit, the wiring. we cleaned up theceilings. we tore down all thedrywall partitions.

we separatedthe metal from the trash to recycle the metal, and at thesame time we were taking up the floor with the floor machine,and hauling it at the same time. we don't play around, we come inand get the job done. and, getthe job done, they did. all thisdemolition has created a lot of scrap that needs to be disposedof. tony's crew is separatingeverything and taking away as much as possible for recycling.

now that the building is just ashell it's time for the fun part - we get to build it. as markfurman and his team begin framing out the building, we nowturn our attention to the to make this newbuilding work, it's going to require a high level oftechnology, and that's where we're really going to depend onmark. technology in this spacehere, between the lighting and the building management systems,and all the media, the video

walls, is amazing. thelow-voltage work going through this in the infrastructure isvery complex and difficult to keep up with, you know, cause itchanges a little bit as we build. to insure this complex,low-voltage wiring is safely and correctly installed in the newbuilding, i've asked john collodny and to comeonboard., one of thefirst contractors to arrive on

the job site, and probably oneof the last to leave at the end, is handling all the complexwiring for this building. as ourmotto says "anywhere any wire," meaning any commercial project,anything to do with wire, is the company thatcan do it. and, one of thethings we're able to work with the design team at brandstar wasbreaking it up into a construction design phase versusthe customer design phase. sometimes things get out oforder, sometimes the customer

looks at the blueprints and thenthey see that they've missed a lot of things. their it room,i believe, is like right about here? it's here. the serverroom? yeh. yeh, it's right here. ok.

what we try to do is a needsanalysis with the customer first. and, we go through acomplete process look at all the different systems that go intothe building. and, this is onlyone small part of what offers in preparingthis building for all the technology that will beinstalled. (music)(vo) it's one thing to have your design visionall mapped out and ready on

paper. it's quite another toshare that vision when nothing has been built yet. i know itdoesn't look like much now, but let me kinda give you an idea ofwhere we are. so, this is yourreception area here. that was mychallenge in showing mark, the building owner, and carmen, thecoo, what the end result of this office construction will looklike.

so, i've prepared forthem, a 3-d model which is a virtual reality animationsoftware to really help them see what the space will look like,and so that they can really imagine it. so, i'm gonna walkthem through that and show them, and i know that they're gonna bevery impressed. mark and carmen,i first wanna show you our smart cap iq board. this is a fullconferencing solution with

touchscreen capabilities, andit's really cool. wow. so, andwhat you're looking at on the screen is a 3-d animationrendering from vimtrek. this isactually our building and i'm gonna walk you through, sofollow me. oh wow. we're gonnado a virtual tour. yes, andwe're entering the reception

area. i feel like i'm in thebuilding right now. vimtrek isactually a state-of-the-art, cutting edge technology thatallows you to create a virtual reality world in 3-d animation. i shared with vimtrek my plansand every specification that i used in the building, and wecreated a virtual model that's just like stepping into the realthing. recently, i wasprivileged to present my design

concept for our buildingrenovation at greenbuilt. without further ado, i'll havekalyn lead us. thank you. so,hi, i'm kalyn rothaus. it's theworld's largest conference dedicated to green building. vimtrek founder and president,arol wolford, told us more about the value of the vimtrek modelfor contractors, suppliers, and building owners.

because beforevimtrek the architects weren't really able to share theirinformation in an easy-to-use format like vimtrek's. so, whenwe talk about vimtrek, you got visual information model and youget to trek around the building wherever you like. you can havethe owner in tokyo, the building in miami, florida, thesubcontractors in miami, florida, the architect indetroit, and now they're all

simultaneously walking throughthe building together. that'sbreakthrough, and that's awesome collaboration. every screw,finish, framing, tile, furniture, and flooring, can beput in this software. it'scalled bim, building information model. so, you know exactly whatsupplies are needed for building before construction even begins.

600 billion dollars is whatcommercial construction is in the united states. of that 600billion, estimating the project, counting all the equipment,costs 60 billion. doing all thedesign is 40 billion. so, moremoney is spent in the united states, counting and measuringthings than actually design. that's a travesty. now, withvimtrek we're not only able to

walk around the building, haveall the units, but we can count everything automatically aswell. vimtrek, with the buildinginformation model, saves mark time, money, and preventsconstruction waste, which is good for the environment. plus,it also gives mark and carmen a great visualization of just whattheir building will look like. when i was considering the floorplan, i kinda broke it out into zones.

i broke it out into thehigh traffic zones, and the wet areas, and the lower trafficareas. when considering whatflooring material to put down in these high traffic zones, iwanted to use the same material in the wet areas. so, i figuredthat concrete would be a great solution. i just needed to knowcould i treat the existing surface and then i came acrosssuper-krete.

so, i've askedtracey lackovich, the president and ceo of super-krete, to comeover to the job site and show me some samples, and i'm reallyanxious to see what she's got. kalyn really liked the idea ofkeeping the existing concrete look. but, the concrete has beendamaged. there was carpet andtile down there previously, and so they've had to remove allthat which has left a lot of damage, a lot of glue andmastic.

and, there's really noway to preserve that concrete in its existing condition. so, thebest way is to resurface it with super-krete product. you know, ithink mark is onboard with the concrete. originally in thebuilding there was porcelain on the floor and mark seemed alittle partial to it. but, ithink i've convinced him to go

with the concrete. i'm notreally sure they're happy i'm here helping them, but i reallywanna try this. (music)(commercial vo) leviton knows there's a lot that goes intorunning a home. for over ahundred years, we've been developing solutions that helppeople save energy, time, and money, while enhancing safetyand we've never stopped. introducing leviton's homesecurity & automation

products. the smart andaffordable way to update your home with one button access ofsecurity, climate control, lighting, and audio, videodevices. leviton's home security& automation family of products combines homemanagement into a seamless experience. when it comes toautomating your home leviton security & automation is thesmart choice, giving you more

time to enjoy the simpler thingsin life. (music)so, i wanted to do something a little special inthe bathroom. (vo) designers arestarting to turn to concrete as a modern option for decorativefinishes for walls. today, i'mworking with brett cline, the representative for super-kreteproducts. we're starting withthe bathroom walls, and the impressions that are reallygoing to make this special.

youcan see we have nice knots in this old world, reclaimed woodstamp. yep. and, so what we cando is we can put this on the wall and get our impression. andthen how do you create the delineation between planks? sowhat we have, is we have these wheels, and they're called groutwheels.

so you have your skinup, this will then, once we remove this, will go along thewall and it will tool in every line. and, so we'll use thelaser to make sure we have it nice and level, and then thisgives us the ability to do any height or length of plank thatwe want. you know, it helps youlearn a lot about materials as a designer because in order tounderstand how materials come together and how they actuallywork creates better detailing.

they're catching up to me. that's my side, it's not sosmooth. i mean, kalyn here, thatups the nervousness a little bit because she's gonna be verypicky on what it looks like. itwas difficult and a lot more challenging than it looked. ilike what we've done so far, but now we have to wait and see howeverything is going to look after it's had time to cure.

(music)there's a lot going on the construction site today, asyou can see, with all the crazy sounds, the heat in florida. it's really hot. and, i'mmanaging 4 different projects at once. we have the windows goingin today, and actually our doors aren't coming in today, which isunfortunate. it's moving alittle bit slower than i would

like but it's getting done. theproblem is we don't have doors yet and so we can't get thebuilding sealed up and under air. one of the reasons thedoors are delayed is we need to get the electronic hardwareinstalled on the doors for the building access system. i'mworking with wausau windows in order to specify the appropriatewindow glass and framing for the

exterior windows in thebuilding. i've designed newwindow openings because before it was a warehouse and we reallyrequire a lot of natural daylight for an office space foremployees to be productive and feel happy. it's never easyinstalling new windows and doors into an existing building. a lotof things can go wrong. so,we've asked bnt services, a

company with a lot ofexperience, to install both our windows and doors. brett and hispartner, tom, have over 25 years of experience retrofittingwindows and doors, here in south florida. i would say the top 3reasons why you would replace your windows and doors, here insouth florida, is due to the number 1 reason being energyefficiency, and number 2 would be security enhancement, andthen number 3 would be

effortless hurricane protection. the problem with sizing when youdo retrofits is you don't know what was there before. so, we'redealing with an existing building, that may not have beenplumb, it may not have been square, so now we're trying toput a plumb and square product into a non-square and plumbopening. so, there's always achallenge with that. windowsthat we're putting in here are

wausau windows. they're verynice, they're insulated, they're soundproof, and they're verynice design. they're a littlebit different than we're used to installing here because there'sa certain clip that comes into the space. but, you know, it'sdesigned for movement and it's a really nice system. they'rerated for 175mph, that's our

code for wind loads here. in thebuilding code that we have to use impact resistant windows orwe not even allowed to replace the product. it's been tested towithstand a 2x4 traveling at 55mph and not only after it'sbeen impacted, it needs to stay in that same frame and intactafter it's been impacted, so through duration of the storm. additionally, there is a designcomponent to this glass in

particular because this is avery energy efficient product. it blocks a lot of the heatcoming in. in fact, i had thissample sitting at my window at my desk and it actually washelping prevent a lot of the heat coming into my office spacecurrently. energy efficiency isthe main reason why we sell these windows now. they havetechnology in this glass that only allows 25% of the heat toget through the glass.

havingthe proper lighting in an office space is extremely important. itall starts with the natural light from the windows. we'vetaken the first step in giving everyone a productive andhealthy workspace. so,everything is really starting to come together. i think once theflooring is installed, not only

will i see more, but mark andcarmen will start to get a better vision and sense of whatthe space will ultimately look like. you know, there are somebig parts and pieces missing, so i think once the flooring islaid down, they'll have a much better idea of where we're at inthe project. and, now for themeeting rooms and office spaces my design calls for luxury vinyltile, what we call lvt. becauseit's really cleanable, really

durable, and also has abeautiful finish. i've chosenkarndean design flooring because they've been in the flooringbusiness for over 40 years now, and are considered one of theleaders in lvt. i'll be workingjohn jarvis of karndean designflooring, to install thefloor. how are you - we talked. before any flooring can be laid,however, i've asked emil mellow to meet up with our sitemanager, mark furman, to measure

and inspect the area, especiallyfor any moisture content in the concrete floor. here in southflorida there's a good possibility that we're going tohave moisture in the building's concrete slab. with the highwater table in this area, and because concrete is very porous,moisture can seep up through the concrete and effect the newvinyl causing it to buckle. todetermine if this is going to be

a factor, the karndeandesignflooring technicians are inserting sensors that willmeasure the moisture content in the slab. and, as we suspected,there's a high level of moisture in the concrete. so now, thekarndean designflooring installers will lay down a waterbarrier product called versashield. this will preventwater from seeping up through

the concrete and effecting theglue that's used in laying the vinyl tile. this was an extrastep but it's going to help keep this flooring looking good for along time. they need moisturetests. that was really the onlything. the only other thing iswhen we prep the floor that it's clean. luxury vinyl tile is verygood for the work space because

of the look and feel of thenatural product. we've got manypatterns and designs that mimic the real thing, so we're lesssusceptible to moisture, topical water, spills, scratches anddents, and things that would easily damage the real thing,such as wood. it won't affectours as much. i've decided to gowith this wood look in lvt, something that has a lot ofgrain and movement in the tile so that you don't see scratchesand dirt.

it was the exactcoloration i was looking for and it had enough movement in thepattern on the floor for it to be interesting in theherringbone pattern. it's all inthe prep work. so, once thatprep work is done it's just a matter of spreading adhesive andplacing the planks in, making sure that everything's tight andsquare. now, this is not an easyinstallation. it would be mucheasier to just lay this stuff

down in a plank pattern. thereason i chose a herringbone pattern is because it'sinstalled at a 90 degree angle and so the way that our buildingis really laid out, it's these 2 intersecting rectangles. and,what happens is in one area the herringbone is parallel to thewall and because i kept the pattern floating through ourmain travel path, when you get to the main bullpen it'sactually at a 45.

so, it'sinteresting how the flooring plays with the shape of thebuilding and the installation. (music over commercial)(music) when you walk into the new spaceyou're gonna be entering in the reception area, and i reallywanted to create, you know, it's a corporate headquarters. iwanted to create this feeling of grandiosity. you know, when youenter somewhere with hard

surfaces, you're not immediatelyfeeling relaxed and comfortable. it's a very serious environment. so, the super-krete floor, eventhough maybe that's not the first thing you're gonna notice,you're gonna feel the material under your feet. and, it'llcreate the sense of arrival, you'll transition from thesidewalk into the space. itreally will create this grand entrance.

applying super-kreteto the existing concrete is really a multilayer process overseveral weeks. we've asked rickhartman and his team to oversee the installation of super-kretethroughout the building. one ofthe greatest things about the decorative concrete industry outthere is that this product is designed to last a lifetime,unlike the carpets that are changed out annually, and tilesand other things out there. thisstuff will be here for years to

come. kalyn did make a very wisechoice in not removing the slab. just the overall cost of havingto do that, you fill up landfills, you fill up all theseplaces with material that is unusable again, and now what youdo is we just cover it. we'regonna make this concrete look like it was poured yesterday. what this process does is allowus to come in and take this old foundation, this concrete floor,and make it look like a clean

slate of concrete. it's moredurable than the original concrete itself. i think theimportant thing with kalyn's vision was that she wanted totake this existing slab of concrete and make it a part ofthis building, make it a showpiece that people could lookat and say: wow, that's different, that's cool. whilethe floors are being worked on, is finishing uprunning the low-voltage wiring throughout the building. we didhave a complete picture of the entire jigsaw puzzle first,while we were still working in pencil, not in concrete. everything from the buildingmanagement systems, the hbc controllers, the monitors on thewall, the microphones in the conference room fortelepresence. compile thespecifications and the needs of

each vendor and then we figuredout how it was actually go into the building. sometimes wiresran overhead, sometimes they ran in the floor. sometimes they ranup the walls. all the high-techequipment that will be installed requires miles and miles oflow-voltage wiring. well, thedoors have finally arrived. thatmeans we're able to seal the

building and get everythingunder air. trust me, there'sgoing to be a lot of happy workers today. after all, it'ssummertime in south florida and it's really hot. their energyefficient and they meet all the hurricane codes here in southflorida. the wausau doors arelike the windows, built to withstand high impact 170mphwinds.

the doors have a nicefinish, nice blue tint on the glass, and they accept theelectronic hardware for the on theoutside, we've installed biometric, or fingerprinttechnology for access control to it will help thecompany manage employees, contractors, and visitors, andmost importantly, it's going to enhance building security. inaddition, the doors come equipped with panic barhardware.

panic bars areimportant because they unlock doors during an emergency. allthe hardware inside these doors is here to improve employeesafety. it was a lot of hardwork but the result speaks for itself. the super-krete reallyrevitalized all of the existing concrete in the building. (music)(music over commercial)

(music)well, the first chapter in our corporate renovation isabout completed. mark, thebuilding owner and founder of the company, has given us whatmight be an unrealistic timeline. bill branning, ourcontractor, is looking at 120 days for completion. there's asignificant difference there between what the owner wants andwhat our contractor thinks is

possible. i like the progresswe're making on this project. myonly concern, and i've stressed this to kalyn, is that we haveto get our employees in here and stay on our 90-day timeline. and, i'm a little concerned thatwe may be getting behind schedule, so we have to get thison track. (vo) despite ourproblems with the construction time, we have made goodprogress.

the building wasgutted out and we started the we've made significantprogress with all the framing and the drywall. mostimportantly, we have the building sealed. we have all ofthe windows and doors in and that means we can get thebuilding under air. i'm alsovery pleased with the look of the wausau windows and doors.

they're energy efficient andthey provide protection for all the south florida weather. bntdid a great job with all of the installation. the installers ofsuper-krete have completed the bathroom installation. it was alot of hard work but the result speaks for itself. it reallypresents an interesting look.

wealso have all the concrete floors installed. thesuper-krete really revitalized all of the existing concrete inthe building. also, the woodlook lvt is exactly what i have envisioned. the karndeandesignflooring installers did a great job. what we did is welined up the herringbone pattern

with the mainline of site so itgives a nice feel and it kinda pulls you into the space. and, ithink once we get all the furniture these spaces are goingto be fabulous. everyday on thisconstruction site is a challenge. we have over 50contractors installing sophisticated high-tech, cuttingedge technology. some of it'snever been seen before.

it'sgoing to be quite a ride, but i can't wait to see how it's allgonna turn out. and, now a newchapter begins. it's time tolight this place up. we're nowturning our attention upwards to the ceilings. the grids aregoing in along with our lighting, and this is only thebeginning. this building isfilled with new technology and

it's exciting integrating it allinto my design. (music)

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