office interior design wall

office interior design wall

(music.) oh hi! thanks gina. have you ever noticed how theright lighting can brighten your mood? we all know the answer isyes, but there's so much more involved. today i'm meeting witha company that understands this better than anyone else.

this is bob andgabrielle from lumenoptix. theycame by today to see our new studio. i'm introducing them toryan who has just finished putting up the last of theirl-e-d luz panels in the modular office area. so this is ourcreative space and offices for our producers and our writers. alot of magic is going to happen

here. and actually here is ryan,hi ryan! hey, how are you? iwant you to meet gabrielle and bob from lumenoptix. hey bob! hiryan. hi gabrielle. hi nice tosee you!

i was just adjustingthe lights. our electrician camein and wired them all up. i'mmaking sure they're nice and level and plum and in a straightline. for a modern workenvironment the luz is really a perfect product to work under. with the color temperature thatwe chose which is 4,000 kelvin it's more like a daylightenvironment and it works really well with the way people workingin the offices today.

and well ithink there is going to be about 50 employees in here actually soit's going to be a very busy space and i think that theaesthetics are really important. so i do have some of the 2x2 layins installed in one of the offices if you want to have alook at one of them. absolutely! one of the big challenges withthe old edit bays was they had the traditional 2x4 fluorescentlay ins and the glare was really bad and they're working incomputers, so consequently they

shut their lights off so thatthe glare doesn't bother them. but in a short while now thatyou're staring at a bright computer screen in a dark roomtheir eyes start hurting. ithink that editors who will be spending long hours in this areathat lack of glare is going to be key for them. it's going tobe huge. they're going to be sohappy. 2x2 is really our mostpopular in the luz panel

luminers and the recess grid isactually the most popular type of installation so it's veryeasy for really any office to use. we left ryan to finishstraightening up and headed to the studio to learn more aboutlumenoptix. well, gabrielle andbob thank you for joining me in the studio. tell me a little bitmore about your company. wereally try to execute on

designing purpose built fixturesto solve specific problems. fixtures are highly engineeredwith unique optical and electrical properties that makethem some of the best in the industry. can you tell me moreabout the lighting design process in general? well, wetypically start with schematic or layout, a mechanical layoutof the facility and then we model those spaces in softwareto determine which of our

fixtures would best be suitablefor the spaces to get the most even lighting scheme that we canget. it all comes down to theproducts, right? so i want totake a closer look at some of your products. ok, let's head onover! ok, so let's dive rightin. you've brought a couple ofyour really awesome products these types of pannelshave been around believe it or

not for a long time. they usedto be fluorescent based. thesepanels are less than a half an inch thick. they have strips ofleds along two edges and the leds fire the light into a waveguide this way and then shoots it back out to the surface andilluminates the whole panel. wow! and then how does it movefrom say here to here?

so you'vedone different sizes, but it's still the same product throughand through, right? yes it'sstill the same product. this isa great example of how we can customize our products. the 1x4is a cooler size. we have amatte black it gives more of an industrial look and techy feel. how many color choices do peoplehave?

will you just create thatcolor? as long as it's specifiedlike a pantone color we can go out and match that to the frame. we have sitting over heresomething called the lrd. canyou explain to me a little bit about that? what it is if youhave an old traditional down light and it might have beencompact fluorescent or metal ally you can actually just takethe lamp and just quickly take

the guts out of that fixture. this fits right in inside thereand you can do all of that in about 5 minutes. why is thissuch a big hit in the contractors? we understandcontractors. we understand whatthey do and we understand how they work. we really tried withthe lrd and all of our other

lines to make them extremelyeasy to install. time is money. while the front half of thebuilding is still being renovated, i just had to gettheir thoughts on what type of lighting they'd add to our lobbyto really make it pop. when ourclients come through the front doors we want to make a reallybig impression so what we've done is put garden on the wallis basically a garden on the wall.

it's real big. we've got aship lap with different wood tones. we really wanted to bringyou in this space to really high light the features that we'vegot in here. with accentlighting we could do a wall wash that creates shadow andinterest. we could have spotsthat highlight certain elements. there a lot we could do here andhave some fun!

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