types of japanese interior design

types of japanese interior design

*knocking hey, you must be here for my new home tour! i just wanted to start off by saying this is an unofficial tour because not everything is done yet shelves are still bare, things need to be delivered still. little bits and bobs here and there. but lets face it, i feel like a home is never completely done there's always things you want to add in or change so i'm going to do it now because i want to get into christmas mode asap and just decorate this place

so i wanted to show you guys around before i do that oh and one more thing, um, the house on the thumbnail of this video isn't my actual home. it's sort of half clickbait half- "i want to keep living and not have my real home on the internet and my exact location address" so yeah, um... without further a-do, i'm gonna show you around! over here we have a huge shoe closet. it's basically filled with shoes from the bottom to the top and then some areas have some random little things like stuff for rosie, spare change, receipts for tax rosie stuff, sunglasses that sort of thing. but all these other ones are just completely filled with my boyfriend and i's shoes.

this is our main entrance light and we got it at one of those vintage light shops in nakameguro over here we have the mirror where i show you which outfit i'm wearing and what shade of kylie jenner lip kit i have on my lips that day here we have our umbrellas. in here is the storage room for winter coats and christmas decorations and then when you walk here, there's a bathroom it's gotten a itty bitty.. sink here just that you can only basically fit your hands inside towel here. soap. one of those fancy japanese electronic toilets that shoot water up your bum

gotta have that and that's basically in here let's move on in here is the bedroom this our bed! and... over here we have a humidifier because it's super dry and it lights up and bothers me at night so i put this mint package on there and then our tv this sort of goes out to a little terrace and then i've got my lamp here

bedside table over here, we've got my boyfriend's office moving this way is the closet this is my closet. um i have everything here organized in color coordination this area right here is my pajamas underwear, socks, bras underneath is slippers. these i got at nitori which is like sort of a japanese ikea, i guess

inexpensive home-ware shop these are also from nitori i have my jewelry in this one, glasses and scarves in this one and accessories and in this one i forget what i have - oh hair accessories over here, up here, i have my hats everything like that in this section i have bottoms and then here we have my denim down here is rosie's closet sometimes and sometimes my workout wear area, go and lounge-wear clothes

moving on to this section, up here i've got handbags here's all my sweaters this is t-shirts, these are long-sleeve shirts, these are sweaters. these i also got from nitori here i'll link all the items in the description box to so you guys can see where i bought them easily but these are from amazon. in here, i just have some denim that i don't always wear and some other items i don't always wear and here i have christmas sweaters and christmas stuff. which you guys will see very soon on my channel that i'm wearing it all my my christmas videos.

these are all jackets, hoodies this is my luggage where i store my suitcase. and then here is dresses this is christmas gifts inside here, so i can keep them hidden away. alright, let's move on to the bathroom this side of the closet is my boyfriend by the way i think it's really balanced on how much i get versus what he gets i have more stuff in here is the laundry room bathroom

over here is my linen closet i've got all the bed sheets, towels, ironing stuff, laundry stuff. here is my lush bath bombs. here is my like curling irons dryer, straighteners, all those electronic products. this thing is pretty cool because you can pull this out to iron on so it kind of just hides away and then this is where we put our dirty clothes so it's nice- nicely tucked away too here is another storage shelf up here is items that i don't really need like parts to the vacuum

spare hair conditioner and shampoo, makeup products that i don't always use that sort of thing that's what's in these i think this is for christmas presents here is my makeup area, this is where i keep some palettes which couldn't fit in the drawers and this is my lip area like where i keep all of my lip products. this is glosses and then i arrange them in color, so this is sort of orangey tone. this is nudey pink this is red and then this is purples and more deep colors and then this makeup area here has my makeup brushes, this is concealers and foundations this is powders

in here i just put the clothes on you can be ironed here are some face towels and here is one of my favorite quotes it says, "home is wherever i'm with you" it's the lyrics from a summer lookbook that i filmed with my boyfriend and one of our favorite songs. i still haven't got to put this in a frame yet because it's actually quite hard to find a simple white frame in tokyo they all have either ones with many many photos or some elaborate frame or glass or something like that. i just want a simple white frame i didn't think i was going to be able to find one so i just kind of stuck it here like this for now

it's still in its packaging. two sinks, so one for each of us which is really good for us because i'm quite messy. this is his side of the ... vanity, i think its called, with his products. here i have my hair stuff, nail products and my 100 step korean skin process that he gave me. the rest is kind of random and messy so i won't show you guys through here is the shower room

i think this is something that makes a japanese home quite different from a western style home because the bathroom area in the shower area are separated by a new room and a new door where as in a western house the showers just like in the corner, but it's in the same bathroom area this is completely separate. this is my bath and shower area right here is the bathtub which is controlled, the temperature everything is controlled here electronically so basically you can just push it and leave the room and then once it's ready it's going to play a song and then i can even turn it off from upstairs on the upstairs controllers

yeah, that's pretty cool and it can regulate the temperature and keep it warm and everything like that and the water comes out of here instead of a faucet which is kind of different. and over here is just basic shower stuff- shampoo, body wash, conditioner. and that is the shower room alright, let's head upstairs to the first floor so you go up here and then you come to this gate which keeps out small dogs, cats, children kindau or those things of tiny nature and then if you can get over this

if you can get past the gate then you're going to come to the stairs of death which you can slip through if you can get up the stairs of death and all the way up to the top you'll get to my chamber or my office, but we're going to get that later. this is my ewok named rosie hello~ in here we have some balloons from my boyfriend's birthday. which have lasted like what two months now? guess i could just keep them up and have them until his next birthday, then i can save money in here we have the

electronics tax stuff, photos... over here is rosie's cupboard. she knows and she get a treat do you want a treat? can you show them how you sit? sit~ sit~ good sit! ok! like i mentioned before a lot of the shelves are still empty and bare i'm not sure what to do with them yet, but they will get filled later

here i just have a candle. a little bit of christmas is creeping in right here with the poinsettia here i have another quite empty shelf i've got my little plant here, which i got earlier that has sadly just passed away. i just noticed i totally forgot to water it there's no sunlight in here. good quote on that. speaking of good quotes, we've got this one inside here. which i didn't frame yet um, but it says, "stay hungry, stay foolish" which is a steve jobs quote.

my boyfriend and i both really love steve jobs and love this quote so it seemed right to put here. over here we've got a little bit of artwork from dali. which i also need to be framed or displayed somehow but, i just shoved it in here for now right here, we have rosie's area her little bed, pee mat over here toys, food, water... here is our dining table the table part is from bo concept, one of those extending ones so we can extend when we have

friends over *whispers* although we don't have any friends these chairs are from ikea and moving up we have one of my favorite things in the house these lights which we got in nakameguro on that megurodori or it's like a furniture street from this little vintage light shop i really love the filament in these light bulbs. there you go, looks like that okay, we're going to the living room here is our couch

i opted for fabric this time which i feel is a lot more comfier than leather and i went for white although it's it's quite a risk because it's hard to keep clean especially with this little creature and these are rosie's' stairs because this is probably rosie's favorite area of the whole house you can almost always find her on here at snuggled up to these furry pillows these pillows i got at franc franc i'm not sure if i'm going to keep the red it's like i said christmas is almost here, so i went with red for now. and this is from ikea

this is from franc franc and then we've got this vintage looking lamp here from journal standard here is our coffee table i ordered this on ebay and it came but it arrived with everything separate like just pieces of wood and you basically have to do it yourself and put it together and it was quite difficult i think it took my boyfriend three hours? a lot of elbow grease, if you know what i mean this plant is from loft, which is kind of funny because it doesn't have any soil.

don't really get it, just like this root probably going to die too here we have some books and magazines back here is where we keep our tv converters, tissues, xbox controller, that sort of thing just to hide all those over here is our tv area gaming systems

xbox this old nintendo system in here is games dvds, and a whole lot of christmas decorations and here's some more empty shelves moving into the kitchen my favorite part of the house is this island because it's perfect for cooking and making cooking videos

here we have our sink two faucets to our sink which is so that you can wash things from every angle um... here we have that... and here we have all of our dishes~ cups, mugs, that sort of thing here we have a really cool oven slash microwave slash many things in one. we got this oven at bic camera

which is a big electronics shop here in tokyo. it does so many things- it steams, it toasts, it microwaves it heats things up now, i'm not fully sure how to work this thing, but i do know how to work the toaster part and it makes the perfect piece of toast! are you hungry? the perfect piece of toast all right, what do you want on it? i've got peanut butter, jam... different jams or marmalade this one? yeah!

alright. there you go! i'm just going to show you one drawer, my favorite drawer. this is my baking drawer where i keep all of my baking supplies and i really love this cupboard, my tea cupboard i've organized it from non caffeine teas to ones with caffeine and then you've got coffee and hot chocolate up here and stuff to put in teas up here these are my little spices. i got these jars and labels at ikea in this part we have a dishwasher

here is just some pots and pans this is a fish griller the stove~ not sure what's in here, basically nothing. we've got rice milk, soy milk, almond milk, all kinds of milk basically drinks, pasta sauces and condiments i think we had a little bit of fruit and vegetables. oh yeah, that's apples here is a little balcony

in here is the pantry baking stuff, chia seeds oatmeal breakfast stuff, these are drinks then these are can stuff like soups and that sort of thing over here is my boyfriends section aka the area of death because he goes to work and i'm the one who ends up snacking on this all day while i'm editing another bathroom just another little sink

and toilet and that's it alright. let's go to the final floor watch your step up here is my office area now, i'm not going to show you guys around this because there's a lot of little details that i want to talk about in this office area and not everything has arrived yet so i'm going to do a whole nother video just for this office area so i'll show you guys this area soon probably after the holidays

over here, we have some chairs where we seat the people that we don't want to eat with at the dinner table and here is another little terrace or top area rosie~ where are you? where are you? rosie, look up! *laughing* rosie~! and here's just a storage area where i keep lighting and props for videos and then through here is the spare bedroom aka sharla's bedroom for any family member who visits me

we got a pull-out couch here that pulls out into a big bed and just random stuff because i'm not finished with this room yet. this will probably be the last room i do later alright, this concludes my unofficial home tour! thanks for coming over! oh, maybe you should stop by next month too! i'm going to be decorating this whole place up for christmas and i make a mean hot chocolate!

drop me a comment in the description box if you want to come over again alright, i will see you later. oh! don't forget your toast! bye~!

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