victorian art deco interior design

victorian art deco interior design

grandparent's generation is getting a second moment in the spotlight. shaina: kcci's elizabeth klinge takes us to one of the unique shops stepping up to meet that demand. >> once you start finding this stuff you get addicted.

elizabeth: for amy keiderling, that started with a few old lawn chairs. and now these giant metal , buildings on the edge of adel where she's creating an all-retro destination. >> my reaction when i walked in

here, i literally said, can i pay rent and stay here? elizabeth from sofas and lamps : to vinyl and video games. this is not a shop you find in many small towns? >> it's not a shop you find in any large town in iowa either. elizabeth: the growing demand

for midcentury furniture keeps shops like des moines' funky finds and valley junction's flashback busy, but modville is the latest and largest to draw nostalgia seekers in. >> we are finding people are traveling in from kansas city and chicago and minneapolis an

they're coming to adel, iowa, to modville, just to check out our shop. elizabeth and if you can't find : what you're looking for inside this 6000 square-foot building, there is an identical one next to her filled to the brim. , amy's so called secret shed.

>> the comments that come out of people's mouths are, oh my gosh i remember my grandmother had that. or, i remember that i had that. elizabeth so whether you're : after the memories or the look of the moment -- >> my friends i used to like

this stuff and they're like uh your house looks like my

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