spanish villa interior design

spanish villa interior design

a -- flown at night. a singer's son is flying to the united states for cancer treatment. tonight's living large goes inside one of south florida's most spectacular homes. it blends old world beut with modern decor -- beauty with

modern decor. reporter: this mansion is mediterranean on the outside with modern inyours stmpt its 25,000 square feet the land. 100 -- interiors. it's 125,000 square feet the land with 1,000 feet on the bay.

it has marble floors. you can see the lines of the t travertine. reporter: then there is the kitchen. this is where i will make my sandwich. the kitchen is a combination open kitchen and family room.

reporter: everything is built in including these drink drawers. the music room is conveniently located next to the wine room. this has 810 bottles. but you can expand to a few thousand if you move the wall. up stairs, a gym and library.

and look, this is a closet. this is a girl's dream come true. everything is behind closed doors. if there is a mess, you do not see it. reporter: next to the master, a full sized sitting

area. this is overlooking the biscayne bay. reporter: it has minimalist interiors and a few from the balcony. speaking of the bay, there is a pool, a sun deck and a kitchen and a 40-foot dock.

you can go out to biscayne bay from here. reporter: million dollars

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