victorian office interior design

victorian office interior design

pottery barn where i livevicky pearson my name's victoria pearson, i'm a professional photographer, and we're in ojai, california at my home. with every kind of photography that i do, whether it be a still life or an interior, number one is the light, that's my trademark, that's the thing that i look at first. when i first was looking for homes and i drive up here for the first time, i fell in love with this house, i knew it my house before i even entered. usually everybody comes through the kitchen,

into our house, i love my kitchen because it's a eat-in kitchen, big enough that i can have our dining room table in there, there's the big fireplace, that in the winter we have going almost every day. it's nice to have everything out in the open and it also is pretty, the way you can arrange things on it. i get a lot of pleasure decorating and making a space beautiful, it's very gratifying for me, and very important. i love to keep things very neutral, i love all the topey, beigey white, browns, things like that, i think that green is such a joyful color, and so

i try to just put little touches of it around the house to make things feel balanced. i have big book cases that go up to the ceiling there's a ladder that you can climb up to get the books at the top. it's a big room and it has great light, i have a big day bed that's nice to lie in and look out, it was important to me to keep the house more about the outside, and to keep the inside almost like a frame for what you see out the windows.

our bedroom was just an open loft of a bedroom with no privacy, and we added on to it, and we put in french doors, floor to ceiling, i can sit upstairs and look out and see the sun set. the bathroom turned out to be very big, i put in a big claw-foot tub, i'm pretty tall and i wanted a bathtub that i could stretch out in, i also put a chandelier in the bathroom, because i wanted it to feel a little bit elegant, and i like the juxtaposition of the clean lines with something a little more ornate.

one thing that was interesting when pottery barn came here to do the photo shoot, which i photographed, it was fun to experience my own place through someone else's eyes. they did such a beautiful job, it al incorporated perfectly into the house. since i do travel a lot for work and i will have very long commutes, perhaps to new york or different places, i might get home very late at night, and, uh, it's a wonderful feeling to please visit for more ideas and inspiration.

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