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crispy center studio %uh she is a social studies teacher jimmycarter middle school in albuquerque new mexico look at albuquerque name in a middle schoolat the jimmy carter picked up let's go for she actually confided in one of her %uh teacher friends and told her yeah i'm havingsex with my thirteen-year-old student i want to run the video because %uhinterested in getting out look at rikers this is going to be entirely relevant to thestory at some of that why basis good evening if yes fire that teacher afterpolice say she confessed to having sex with

one of her thirteen-year-old students andtonight police thirty three-year-old student and teacher that is with great charges let'sget back to jessica guy well essentially hours ago albuquerque policegave us details that ordinarily when india bela belittle the criminal complaint is released tomorrow cristina sanchez throughhe left on social studies and jimmy carter middle school for the past two years untilshe was fired today police say the thirteen year old victim was one of her students andthat the two had developed a relationship they became sexual over the past week we askedpolice at the sex had taken place at school they said it happened off-campus they alsotold us how they found out about it

snatches to heal crowds outlet in the teacher that she was having an inappropriate reallyliked you and they did the student that teacher thankfully came forty me delete and all of the class contacted albuquerquecoincide with the design our studios father chris on changes in the running to be thenext four million county sheriff we spoke to him tonight and he said he hadmilk and then quickly hung up the phone you don'tsupport teaching and jimmy carter signed just there he left i didint riceville elementaryshe also recently ta an after-school hip-hop class on her face book page sign jester he'llsays she's single with three kids

she's behind bars diane a_t_f_ is notified staffing jimmy carter middleschool i a lot of okay if always with the concern higher with the anchors week chart again now look at that yes thisis a obsolete dot we need to discuss a little further right so %uh %uh first of all %uh let's all get on therecord at christie's sunkist for who you know yeah but he'll %uh is still wake up

but they do you agree that she's attractivewoman i do agree that okay so we have agreement on that based on that blurry picture wouldsir but it %uh now number two %uh i'm going to that's a bit to the courtof that is relevant okay now that's outrageous outrageous firstof all it became problem here is a kid's thirteen that's way way way way too yeah if there were seventy i'm screaming to tellmy lungs letter go let her go fire as always i'm always on the record on that

you can't be obsessed with the students obviouslyget fired over that night prison rape %uh new okay if he's but it's so young but she's so hot he said my point that the she not heated leather the i have no real point i have no legal pointconcede that cancels the spirit and i but nonetheless i like the beseeched the juryat some besieged four ninety nine percent of human history

%uh a woman of that attractiveness came to a thirteen-year-oldboy who had gone past puberty and offered as sexual relations to a that would have been considered what theycall back in the day f t_w_ okay now so but now in this one percent of history wedo that as holbrook so and ideal why and i get that it's illegaland i get the thirteen is way too young in the context

although our contacts and that why that makessense but you see how court a little bit on that here under the assumption that is taking onboeing has gone through adolescence and it culminated i guess i what i'm sayingthe act i'm not saying what happened and i've had no idea of the day apparently had some relations were upset you would think but maybe not maybe you'reright on top and continuing it's tough to say okay thecut-off is puberty or not look says he's thirty she's gotta go to jail

i get that money that argument jazz against the idea that she we keep them again is something and then so what to curethe way for twenty years twenty five years we're really gonna put orange over twentyfive years this is the way i'd measure and it's reallydifficult process i did it to do it because they are a lot more lenient on women when it comes to this issue i thinkabout what what the consequences would be at the tables were turned if it was a maleteacher regardless of how attractive he is he would be charged with rape

then we wouldn't even be other companies areriveted as attractive erred and we would have no conversation about it at his attractivenessto be relevant and and by the way don't get me wrong on that i know i'm crazy but i'm not stupid i'd getthat her attractiveness obviously should not berow ok a court of law you don't go but i thought that your honor bike ride is hot not debating it's publicidad muscle you knowa bit into it a little bit which is you don't say there are they deserve it now you don'thave a case like that or have a conversation here we're queer talkedno-nonsense and if the tables are turned you

could make the case that young thirteen-year-oldgirl wanted to have sex with a thirty-year-old man writer thirty-year-old at each of you guysare going to make medicaid ability and we feel uncomfortable because for some reasonwe're ok with sheltering the hell out of the young women are young girls but when it comesto bless i called good job he wanted it you wanted that teacher if you're on your right the double standardhope as we know why i let me just a thought thirteen-year-old boy is able to choose whetheror not he could have sex with an attractive person but a thirteen-year-old girl cant

right but you can't make those you can't makethose comparison so i am i don't know about her i know that i'm guilty as charged yet i have a double standard we talk aboutit allot and its unacceptable bob but nonetheless it exists and that's was for this conversation i think it on a base of law budget thoughyou know when most of time on this conversation but i'm telling you what a lot of guys think

as i was a thirteen-year-old boy if kristenscientist julio and intimate and said hey how you doing eitherdefinitely set back how you do birthday and then i would not in my mind atthat time would have it now would not have been right entree now i might have been wrong but that's nothow i was sought jr jackson slacks lenny kravitz so which one is more important to change muscular build society

sqtl society you can have thirty three-year-old teachershaving sex with thirteen year old students i don't care don't care if it's a female idon't have it in a lab angry i don't care if the i've reviewed with a look look that's clear thirteen is way too youngit's we're not having a conversation you think she goes away parade for twenty twenty-fiveyears no that's ridiculous twenty twenty-five years but it is a guy we wouldn't think that'sridiculous at all well even even for a diet look if it was consensual between a thirteen-year-oldgirl and a thirty-year-old teacher he should be put away for twenty five yearsand you need action the teachers she is that

the female okay it's just not right as longas theirs solid proof and evidence that it was in factwe have a look at your statutory rape to be different you know the month consenting right and you think that they should have differentyet facility punished but yeah i finished differently effort yes because if there areany because reading someone against are having sex with someone against our will is completelydifferent from having sex with someone crew is consenting to it i notices that he thinks thirteen-year-oldaren't old enough to make that decision and

you know what that's a very very good argumentbut it's still a very different there's violent rape there's consensual rep at concentricconsensual city you know sex sex right okay so you don't see why peopleon this because i'm really curious as to what you guys think of it so i really a %uh i wonder it would be most people thinkshould she get as much time as a guy who did the same thing sorry if itwas a thirty three-year-old out of the thirty year overall people don't want through the book at night i don't know how long you want him to get

which usually get the same amount i'm %uh aztec ego almost answer yes to that but somehowi can't answer yes to that so i'm curious as to what people think that ok so it wasout of that circular people today and output of order your answers

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