office interior designers london

office interior designers london

-the boston office - how exciting is this? it is our opportunity to bring togetherthree fantastic functions within red hat. engineering, the executive briefingcenter, and the red hat open innovation labs. just walking in the door you reallydo get this this sense of vibrancy and excitement and you can feel thatsomething cool is happening here. -the goal is really to foster thecollaboration in a sense where people just come together naturally as theywalk throughout the space. -i think red hat has done a very, verygood job at really creating a comfortable space, but one thatfacilitates interaction

and connections and collaboration. -this place makes astatement for us of how serious of a player we are in the commercial world;and in turn because everything we do is based on open source of how serious aplayer open source is in the commercial world. the executive briefing center isthe place where we bring our most valued customers and partners to engage withour product leads, product managers, executives to talk about future oftechnology and how red hat can solve their business problems using the red hat portfolio. -another key component is

the open innovation lab and that's morehands-on so that's where we can really get with our customers. -we can put up theright people in front of our customers that can tell them everything they wantto know in more about how our products can help them. -it's very immersive, it's aresidency style engagement you can collaborate with the engineers when youcome in because we're all co-located here together. -this is a place wherewe're building some great relationships with our customers, relationships withthe local tech industry, there's a ton of universities here - a lot of greatstudents coming out of school. it's just a great way for us to create the kind ofcollaborative atmosphere across industry

and university that we hope to create.-our biggest asset is our people and so integrating into that community is soimportant. -to see an entity like red hat come here to boston into this space, ithink it will continue that effect of attracting even more investment and evenmore activity to the area.

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